Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Update from the last week:

So heres my comments on the days work:

Day 01: 2062 words! I went to a friends house for half they day, so pretty good considering.

Day 02: Terrible attempt at getting my word count, 1219 words! Just as well I got a teeny bit ahead yesturday.

Day 04: First day of getting my word count, two days under one day over, but today I got pretty mcuh right on with 1673. Total words: 6049.

Day 07: I've been righting really dadly, only getting into the hundreds! Total is 8118 words. *shakes head*

Day 08: Starting to get back on track with 1510 words today. Total words: 9628.

Day 10: Sweet, 1891 words today! Brilliant for my total of 12,356.

Day 11: Oh dear, back to bad word counts, 1407 words today! 13,763 total.

Aiming for 2.7k today... hopefully I can get it... What am I doing now, okay okay I'll get back to my NaNo. Gosh!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In the midsts of interNaNo hype...

Some of the head lines:
I PICKED my novel plot!
My Birthday's near!
New promting blog!


Okay, so my birthday on the 12th of this month is coming up fast, even though I've already got a pretty good percentage of my gifts. ^_^ I've gotten two gifts so far out of the 6 I will receive. Pretty good 'eh?


Finally, around a month before NaNo my plot is picked! I've desided on the 3rd one because it just seems so NaNoish and fun to write. I've got my word file all ready and I've started scratching down ideas and writing up a ruff outline! Things are chuffing along quite nicely.


And last but not least my very own writing propt blog. Its not mad yet, but when it is I will add a post to this blog saying so and giving you a link. I know theres a lot of writing promt blogs out there, but mine will work like this. You are givien an object in your story and a list of questions and you must answer them by drawing a sketch. Doesn't have to be a good drawing, and more importantly you won't have to show anybody, but the fact is you have a perfect description of an important/unimportant/now to be come an imporant object which should help you with your story/writers block.

Heres a sample:

A lamp shade! Don't forget to choose this answers by what the owner would have/like
What colour.:
What is the pattern.:
Where is it in the room.:
Is it well taken care of.:

Theres not always the same questions for them. And it can be any kind of item. Also this new blog will have a muse jump start word war where I set you a challenge or time and worlds.

Monday, July 7, 2008

So I havn't yet

Yes, read down and you'll see I was planing to orangize my ideas, but that never happened because I never worked out how I should do it.

So right now, I'm doing research for plot 2. Heres the only web sites I've found:
http://www.qualityinfo.org/olmisj/ArticleReader?itemid=00005844 I wanted some information about tools that would have been used, because thats my biggest prob right now because they didn't teach me about tools in my subject. But I can't find any sites with that kind of stuff on it. I guess I'll just have to ask on the NaNo forums and see if they can help me.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Getting organized!

Okay, you wanna here the long story or the short one? If you wanna here the long one read on, it's you don't then find some blond text and read on from there.

So basicly (okay not basicly) I found a pixel doll site link and had a look at it, it have a link to an old forum and used to go on that I desided to take another look at. I found a contest on there that was closed so I went to vote and found a doll that said it's base was from some where I don't remember having that base. So I had a look at that site and found the base, ate the egg from my humbile pie while finding the link to Gaia. (Just some popular in the pixel world socilizing site) So I joined up to Gaia and had to go to my email to activate my account, so I logged into my email and found a NaNo email, so I had a look at it and then went to the NaNo site, found out they had an after NaNo forum which I posted on a bit and then got inspired to finally deside which plot I should do for NaNo. So I am going to get organized!

[b]Okay, I've finished the long story, heres the short one:[/b]
Found out they had an after NaNo forum which I posted on a bit and then got inspired to finally deside which plot I should do for NaNo. So I am going to get organized!

There, so what I am going to do I write down stuff on index cards and lay they all out will mum is out and see if that helps anything. I'll keep you posted team!

In other news, I 'signed up' to Scrip Frenzy (used my NaNo account) and relearnt how to write a scrip. I'm a bit late to do that now though. By like two months. In the imortal words of Max Well Smart, "Missed it by that much."

See ya later.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yay! I have a plot! I mean plots >_>

Okay, so finally I have something to post here. Although I came up with my first plot idea a while back, but never got around to posting it. Now the plot bunnies have attacked both while I was doing school and while I was on the computer and I have three plots now. >_< So please, if their is anyone reading, comment and tell me what plot you like the best and help be decide!!

Plot 1: (Sci-fi) Main character's Dad's and car mechanic that never gets any cars it fix, but some how still gets paid every month.
One day MC decides to investigate where the money comes from. She look in an old car that has been sitting in their garage for ages and finds a small black box. That black box takes her to alternate universe where she sees her dad couching an all girls sports team (a spot she has never seen before). But she also sees him get fired!!
MC puts it upon herself to get her Dads job back.
Notes: I've developed this plot a lot, I've made up the sport and given it some room and worked out how it's played, worked out team positions ect. but I don't really care that much the other plots are awesome too!

Plot 2: (Historic) Set in around 1300 A.D. It follows the story of an apprentice carpenter's path to becoming and journey man.
In if his master will steal his work. He'll help and hiding serf escape is lord/master. And still have time to try and get to become a journeyman.
Notes: The down side to this is that research will be a common word with me for the time I'll writing this, how ever I am learning about this stuff in my world history subject. The plot bunnies came when I was doing that subject in fact.

Plot 3: (Comedy) The SPQR or Society of Purposeful Quoters and Ragamuffins is under review by the Society of Society.
Underline ragamuffins and you get quite an interesting story of secrets and plots to undermine SPQR.
Notes: This one seems like the most fun to write and the most like a NaNoWriMo. The name came from a forum game were you had to say what the acronym that the other person made up stood for. (Someone else made the acronym, but I made up what is stood for.)

So what do ya'll think? Which one should I write? Text in your votes to 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 30 16. (Or you can save money and just comment on this entry... either way, but I can't promise I'll get the sms votes.)